Monday, July 20, 2015

synchronicity at club 251

On my recent trip to japan with my best friend ryan, we were invited to attend a number of local shows by our gracious friend hiro. I've always had a curiosity of Japan's underground music scene and finally had an opportunity to find out first hand exactly what its like. We met up right outside the hustle and bustle of shibuya and met with our friend and discussed exactly what the plans were for the evening. We then walked a few minutes down a narrow street to a small music venue called "club 251". As we enter, the crowd is just starting to pour in a few people at a time. The venue being a rather small venue was beginning to fill with youths and business men alike (which you will not find at any show or concert in the states, but i digress), the first act to take the stage was a 3 piece, all female rock group named "chirol" which i happened to thoroughly enjoy very much. After they completed their set and cleared the stage to attend their merch stand and hand out promotional flyers for their next show, our friend hiro tells us that the band we came to see perform, a band named "synchronicity" , a 4 piece all female rock group, was the next band and we made our way to the front of the stage. As synchronicity begins to play the stage presence is immediate, every member playing their role as well as reflecting their energy to on the crowd which, as everybody knows, is the best way to get the crowd into the music and the performance. After playing about a 4 or 5 song set they exit the stage and proceed to their merch table where we met them and was introduced to each member by our friend hiro whom has known them for some time now. They were very awesome girls and very excited to see foreigners at their show to which we assured them we enjoyed very much! We hung out with the drum player, a young lady we met simply as "paul"  for the remainder of the evening, checking out the rest of the bands on the bill and just having casual conversation about one another and she answered some questions we had about synchronicity, after taking a few pictures and exchanging social media info, club 215 was closing for the evening. One last thank you and reassurance that we were going to help promote synchronicity in the u.s.a (to which they were extremely excited about) we said goodbye and headed back to the station. I had idea's of what the local music scene was like in japan but until i actually experienced it i never knew exactly how fun and awesome it really is. You won't find bands like chirol or synchronicity in the u.s. which is a bummer but that's just another element of japan that you have to be there to see and appreciate.

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